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 Post subject: 2021 CTZCC Season?
PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2021 12:41 pm 
Site Admin

Joined: Fri Jul 22, 2005 12:59 pm
Posts: 781
In case you didn't get the mass email:

John Kish has agreed to spearhead efforts to bring the club out of dormancy and organize a 2021 season. But in order for that to happen this year, he needs to know whether there really is strong interest from the members.

Please read John's message in this thread and let him know your responses to his questions about having an actual season.

This is VERY exciting! Please take a moment to give John your input.


- Jim

 Post subject: Re: 2021 CTZCC Season?
PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2021 12:55 pm 

Joined: Wed Apr 09, 2008 5:53 pm
Posts: 14809
Location: CT
HOORAYYY! Thank you John, you are a light at the end of a very long tunnel!
I can't think of anyone better suited to lead our Club out of the doldrums than you are. I look forward to a better 2021 Zeason because of your initiative, and pledge to support you however necessary. I answered YES to all 6 of your questions.
Happy dayZe ahead!
Frank T

 Post subject: Re: 2021 CTZCC Season?
PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2021 1:55 pm 

Joined: Thu Jul 26, 2012 2:36 pm
Posts: 185
Location: Topsfield MA - Fairfield CT
Guess Im not on the email list. Although maybe I never filled out the official application?!?

Is the web form still active? --- http://www.ctzcc.com/membership.html

Would love to make it to another event - would have to be more easterly/northeasterly events but could make it happen.

 Post subject: Re: 2021 CTZCC Season?
PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2021 2:16 pm 
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Joined: Mon May 19, 2008 8:17 pm
Posts: 2150
Location: Colchester, Ct
This is awesome news! Let's bring this club back together!

Thanks John!


1981 280zxt - Now in the care my son!
2014 370Z Sports Touring Roadster

 Post subject: Re: 2021 CTZCC Season?
PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2021 2:29 pm 

Joined: Wed Apr 09, 2008 5:53 pm
Posts: 14809
Location: CT
demo243~ yes, it's still active, but by virtue of you having a screen name and access to the CTZCC website, you have already submitted your application. You've been a registered Club member for nearly 9 years.
If you were left off the mass mailing, it's only because the Club no longer has a working email address for you. Contact Webmaster(at)CTZCC.com and ensure Jim has your latest email.


PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2021 3:41 pm 

Joined: Mon Jun 30, 2008 2:16 pm
Posts: 1219
Location: Ansonia, CT
CTZCC 2021 Season - Membership questions.

Some of you may not have received, via your personal email, the membership letter which included the 6 important questions we need to have answered by April 10th in order to help us shape the direction the club is taking this season (2021). I have included the letter as part of this post. Please update your membership info so we have your latest email address for any future important club related topics. All responses to the questions should be addressed to me at: johnk@ctzcc.com.

Thanks for supporting CTZCC and we look forward to seeing you this Zeason!

>I hope all of you have made it through this difficult time. It has now been about a year since the pandemic started to really disrupt our lives, limiting our ability to visit family and friends, affecting our work and, in some cases, even causing some of us to tragically lose loved ones. At least now, we are beginning to see some changes for the better. State and local agencies are beginning to relax some of the restrictions associated with public gatherings; making it possible for us to begin planning events. I’m sure many of you, as I have, began dusting off our Z’s and may have even snuck out for a quick road test or two now that the weather is starting to get better.
>After meeting with our former club directors to discuss the future course that our club may need to take, I volunteered to write this letter to all of our members to get a “pulse” fromYOU as to what events you would like to attend that we can enjoy together now that the pandemic is beginning to subside.
>At this point, we feel that we should start simple by scheduling "fun run" road trips which would give our members a chance to get together and to enjoy rides. The trips may include specific stops at various scenic attractions in CT with breaks that could include a stop at a convenient “food stand” which could accommodate our group and our Z cars. Since we are now a “virtual club”, in order for us to plan more significant meetings and events, we need to get a better idea as to how many club members are willing to attend these events so we can begin to schedule them later this year; pending continued pandemic improvement. Upcoming events may include dealership meetings, meetings at designated parks, and possibly meetings at designated race tracks such has Lime Rock Park or Thompson Speedway. We are thinking of having 2-3 of these meetings/events this season aside from member generated “fun runs”.
>So, here it is in a nut shell...If our club is to survive at all, we need your input to the following questions. Please answer these questions honestly as, at this stage, we must provide reasonably accurate attendance numbers to those parties that we plan to contact to facilitate our future meetings. I cannot stress the importance of this request enough as it has everything to do with what our club becomes this year.
>So here are the questions:
>1. Would you attend a CTZCC meeting held at a dealership or other facility?
>2. Would you be able to volunteer your time to help plan CTZCC events this 2021 season?
>3. Would you like to participate in a Z "fun run" of maybe 2-4 hours duration?
>4. Would you like to ARRANGE a Z road trip and post it on the CTZCC website?
>5. Would you attend a meeting held at a CT racetrack such as Lime Rock Park or Thompson Speedway?
>6. Would you attend a CTZCC club meeting that could include a “track day” event such as an autocross event, or road course “pace lap”?
>Please send me an email at johnk@ctzcc.com as soon as possible (but no later than April 10th, 2021) and simply list the above questions #1 through #6 with your answers.
>Please provide any other suggestions that you may have to help us get back on track for the 2021 Zeason!
>John Kish
>(1971 240Z original owner)

 Post subject: Re: 2021 CTZCC Season?
PostPosted: Mon Mar 29, 2021 10:07 am 

Joined: Sun Feb 25, 2018 5:25 pm
Posts: 124
Been ready, bring it... Was at a NJZCC Meet up three weeks ago... Also at their show in the fall, only ctzcc member in attendance...!!

 Post subject: Re: 2021 CTZCC Season?
PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2021 5:07 am 

Joined: Wed Apr 09, 2008 5:53 pm
Posts: 14809
Location: CT
Hi Tom! Great to hear from you again. We have come to recogniZe you as our foreign ambassador of sorts ~ we count on you to carry our banner (or wear our Club decal) to many other clubs' events, and you always seem to know what exciting "Z things" are happening around the TriState area. Hope to Zee you often during 2021.
Frank T

 Post subject: Re: 2021 CTZCC Season?
PostPosted: Thu Apr 01, 2021 12:34 pm 

Joined: Sat Jun 01, 2013 5:38 pm
Posts: 572
Location: Orange, CT
Hi Guys long time since I posted.
I got a text from John and wanted to get back into the club.
Yes to all the questions above.
I may be getting a 1988 Z31 non-turbo soon. It's a forest dwelling non driver now but hopefully it's not that bad. Plus the $150 price is great.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 13, 2021 10:14 am 

Joined: Mon Jun 30, 2008 2:16 pm
Posts: 1219
Location: Ansonia, CT

I just posted our first new "Fun Run" scheduled for this Saturday, April 17th under "Upcoming Events". Please be sure to check that topic frequently!

After receiving over 50 responses from our survey, I am excited to report that all of you are anxious to partake in upcoming club events and many of you have agreed to help support them. That's Awesome! We will need your help!

I understand that not everyone will be able to attend the upcoming fun run due to location and schedules. That is why it is so important for our members to suggest and plan a simple road trips that they would enjoy participating in. It's easy using Google Maps and posting it on our club website. Should any of you need assistance in putting a trip together, I would be glad to help. When planning any "Fun Runs" you should consider location, duration, rest stops, parking, rain dates and to plan on providing notifications of changes and/or cancelations on your posted activity.

Our top priority is to engage in safe, enjoyable and friendly activities in which we can all enjoy the company of our friends and Z cars. Our activities may be limited this year due to current Covid restrictions but we are looking forward to announcing future events, including club meetings.


 Post subject: Re: 2021 CTZCC Season?
PostPosted: Mon May 03, 2021 11:54 am 

Joined: Wed Jul 23, 2008 2:38 pm
Posts: 3417
Location: rhode island
It went Dormant, I thought it was still goin on, well I'm in, once a member, member for life.

 Post subject: Re: 2021 CTZCC Season?
PostPosted: Fri Jun 18, 2021 10:12 am 
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Joined: Tue Jun 19, 2018 12:37 pm
Posts: 41
Location: East Lyme, CT
My answers to the 6 questions:
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. Yes
5. No
6. No


 Post subject: Re: 2021 CTZCC Season?
PostPosted: Tue Dec 14, 2021 4:01 pm 

Joined: Thu Dec 09, 2021 3:56 pm
Posts: 7
Im all for it not track for me

 Post subject: Re: 2021 CTZCC Season?
PostPosted: Tue Jul 25, 2023 11:14 am 

Joined: Wed Jul 23, 2008 2:38 pm
Posts: 3417
Location: rhode island
Still Going

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