
Some hope for future auto enthusiasts
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Author:  jp260z [ Fri Oct 08, 2021 10:54 am ]
Post subject:  Some hope for future auto enthusiasts

I'm a gearhead, always have been. I prefer manual transmissions in all circumstances (traffic included). I think a person's car (or truck, van, whatever) should excite them.....they should actually WANT to drive it. Imagine that?

Driving should be fun.

I've always felt that if you can park at your destination, get out and walk away without stealing a glance back at your car.....you aren't driving the right one.

With all that said, I also value the planet and understand that technology marches on, I get it. So far I am not excited about E-vehicles, as I like the sound and feel off a combustion engine....the good ones anyway. I know I'll miss that, and working a clutch while shifting gears, hell even listening to the engine idle at rest.

Electric won't be the same, not by a long shot, but if they engineer them for us enthusiasts maybe the future will bring some good stuff too. With cars like this I think it may.

https://www.motortrend.com/news/piech-a ... ok-review/



Author:  Frank T [ Fri Oct 08, 2021 11:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Some hope for future auto enthusiasts

That won't open for me, I get the Houston/Problem screen instead.

But I get what you're saying. Bugatti made an electric street racer about 10yrs ago which I can no longer find on YouTube. It was a huge monster but accelerated quicker than anything I have ever seen on the streets, and was nearly silent.

Electric performance will be measured far differently than internal combustion performance is, but the cost will be enormous to constantly recharge all these new vehicles. Our nation's electric grids can't even handle hot summer days without brown-outs or rolling black-outs now. There is no way they will ever provide enough electricity to recharge every vehicle in the USA every day, still provide electrical power for every household and also keep our industries working. The carbon emissions needed to generate that much electrical power would far exceed the emissions of today's cars themselves.

I agree dead dinosaurs are limited and we have to look for something else, but nothing short of nuclear powered pocket-packs will meet the bill. Given Murphy's Law and world-wide terrorism factors, it probably isn't a wise decision to place that much nuclear energy into civilian hands.

Face it; our great-great-grandchildren will all know how to ride horses, hook up buggies and stage coaches, and know how to repair steam engines. Like the Liberty Bell which no living man has ever heard ring, the sound of a 240Z at speed will be something only written about in history books. :cry:

Frank T

Author:  johnnyZ [ Fri Oct 08, 2021 12:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some hope for future auto enthusiasts


Your post sure hits home with me. Great post!

I did see a previous website post on this car earlier this week and thought it was absolutely stunning. I love those curves ( E-Type lust) and the lack of over-styling of goofy creases and vents.

What I don't think this car will give us though is that feel of control and intimacy you get when shifting gears, rev matching and hearing that engine sound we all have come to love.

Time marches on.

Author:  HowardJ [ Fri Oct 08, 2021 1:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some hope for future auto enthusiasts

I can only imagine what future gear heads and street racers will be saying;

"Oh! The sweet smell of hot commutators,field windings and brushes. Hmm..Hmm... Hmm... Hmm...Hmm!! " :D :mrgreen: :shock: :thumbs_up:

Author:  jp260z [ Fri Oct 08, 2021 2:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Some hope for future auto enthusiasts

Frank, strange the link didn't work for you....I just used it now and it worked for me. Hmm, that's odd.

It is sad to think of the "silent" future facing us, the sound of an L series at high rpm is nothing short of glorious. To think of a world where that can't be experienced honestly bothers me. And you make some good observations on electricity supply and generation. That technology will surely need to evolve as well if this is going to be a thing. I think if they get Fusion figured out they'll have a good start, or issue every homeowner solar panels for their roofs.

John I'm glad this post resonated with you. I too find the styling on the Piech GT to be stunning. It's a beautiful car.....and that statement doesn't need to be followed up with "for an electric car". It's just an example of really great design, I hope they are successful bringing it to market. I also like that they managed to keep the weight under 4,000 lbs, a large feat for an E vehicle. If they prioritize driver engagement and work to really bring that about i think there could be some good things coming, even if it takes adjustment.

Howie, there is no telling what future gearheads will be like but they will be different for sure. Spending a weekend in the garage turning wrenches in the traditional sense surely won't be a thing anymore. Although with most late model cars it seems to be less common anyway. General maintenance like oil changes or plugs and filters wont exist. I guess we will have to wait and see what the kids come up with.

Maybe swapping higher torque drivetrains, or aftermarket higher voltage batteries?? :mrgreen:


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