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 Post subject: Stepping Down
PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 10:27 am 
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Joined: Thu Sep 01, 2005 1:12 am
Posts: 2228
Location: Darien, CT
I’ve put off writing this post for a longtime – probably too long. The day has come for me to step down and let others inject new thinking, energy and passion into our great club. It’s been a fantastic run and I am so proud of what our “little” club has grown into. There are many factors that have led me to this decision. Three kids at home, a hectic work schedule, other volunteer commitments and a decreasing ability to stay on top of club business in a proactive way all come to mind.

It’s also about the stress of being the person ultimately responsible for the activities of the club. Anyone that has led an organization, business or group of people will understand that statement. Please know that I realize that many, many people contribute to the success of the club. It wouldn’t exist today without our dedicated officers and volunteers. But it’s hardwired into me to worry about club activities and take it personally when and if things don’t go as planned. Someone famous (Groucho Marx?) once said “I’ve been through some terrible, terrible things, a few of which have actually happened”. That’s me in a nutshell. I worry about being at every meeting, the content of each meeting, our relationships with our sponsors, the success of our annual car show, the finances of the club, the experience we deliver at our annual Lime Rock day, preparing for the Fall Outing and the never ending quest to keep the enthusiasm of the club at a high level. Above all, I worry about the value of the club to you, its members.

All of these factors have weighed on me these past seven years since that first gathering of about a dozen people in 2005. For most of those years, the passion of building something fun and valuable in the way of connections with other people far outweighed the effort involved. Some weeks I could do nothing other than club business when not at work - because I was so into it. Many times my wife thought I was a little too obsessed - but it was a labor of love. About a couple years ago I started to run out of steam and the effort and worry associated with the club started to overtake the fun of continuing to build it. The other officers know that during the 2011 season I hung in there when what I really wanted to do was step down. This past summer, my energy level dropped off a cliff about mid-season, concurrent with an unexpected hospital stay. It was a real challenge for me to stay mentally engaged until after the Fall Outing. But I was determined not to step down in the middle of the season.

I'm just no longer able to inject the time, attention and enthusiasm that the club deserves. Instead, for the last two seasons it’s been a challenge just doing the minimum and preparing for the next event in the schedule. I don’t like to operate this way and frankly, this club deserves better than that. In my humble opinion, we have built the BEST Z club in the nation in terms of the number of friendships that have been forged. And that is what has always been most important to me. This is really not a car club. Cars can’t drive. This is a people club, and I think everyone would agree that we have attracted some of the best people around, from all over the U.S. and beyond. To keep it that way, the club needs to constantly evolve.

So for a lot of reasons I thought you might want to know, it’s time for me to step down and let the remaining officers decide how to proceed. I’ll still be an active participant, show up at meetings (not every one) and try to be a presence on the Discussion Forum. But it’s time for others to step up and get more involved at the direction of your officers. We need more people like Jim Hagani, Phil Parent, Frank Thomas (former officer), Keith Hultmark, Bryan Little and Greg Emmons to reinvigorate the club and take it to the next level. Without the time and effort these people put in, the club would have failed years ago. So please consider taking a more active role going forward.

See you next season in my new role as “member”.


Ross Williams
1978 280Z Black Pearl Edition 38k Original Miles

Last edited by Ross.Williams on Tue Nov 06, 2012 4:10 pm, edited 3 times in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 10:48 am 

Joined: Sun Apr 01, 2012 4:19 pm
Posts: 1644

Great write-up. Although I've been a member (ok, an online member) for less than a year, it is quite relevant to me the time, effort and pride you put into this club. I probably would have never found this forum had you (along with the others) not put in so much time and effort. For that, I thank you.

I hope one day I can show off my Z to you, and thank you personally for keeping this awesome family going strong.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 11:24 am 
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Ross, we all appreciate the time and effort you've put into the club over the years. You should be very proud of what you've accomplished.

I think the most important lesson that you've imparted on me over the past seven years is that CTZCC is foremost a people club. After all you've accomplished, it's time for you to relax and enjoy the people you've brought together.

Just a reminder, to quote a famous, ex-CTZCC officer, "You can't quit a free club!" I look forward to continue seeing you at club events.

Thank you.

1981 280zxt - Now in the care my son!
2014 370Z Sports Touring Roadster

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 1:05 pm 

Joined: Wed Apr 09, 2008 5:53 pm
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Awww ~ tears in my eyes.

I'm sure the stunned feeling everyone is experiencing upon reading this, was prevalent throughout the country when George Washington announced his retirement, and the same questions about the future ran thru everyone's mind then as are running thru ours, now.

There has been NO SINGLE INDIVIDUAL who has contributed as much to this Club as Ross has. The whole concept of creating a CTZCC was his idea in the first place, all those many long years ago. For many of the early laps of this 'race', Ross shouldered everything alone, with the able input and volunteer spirit of Jimmy Hagani and Bryan Little, and a very small handful other names no longer heard on these pages. The other common-known names we speak today didn't come along until LOONNNG after.

A lot of people have contributed along the way since then, but the fact remains that this Club simply would not exist were it not for Ross, would not have thrived were it not for Ross, and would not have been anywhere near as much fun were it not for Ross. In short, this is "Ross' Club" and always will be. People across the country and indeed, around the world, associate the names CTZCC and Ross Williams. Certainly he has done other wonderful things with his life, but imagining, planting, feeding, weeding and watering this growing Club ranks among the very best of his life's efforts, and we thank him profusely for it. Nobody could have done it better.

In the stark reality of combat, warriors are taught that 'nobody is indispensable'. The world has such stark reality, as well. If the flag or the football falls, the man behind picks it up without much thought and carries on. He may not run as fast, nor as far, nor hold it as high. But if he too falls, the man behind HIM carries his burden as best HE can. So it goes in any goal-driven organization.

Ross' individual leadership has become a signature of the CTZCC and it will be difficult to find anyone who can duplicate it. It was one of the greater pleasures I experienced while serving as Membership Director of this great Club and frankly, I'm sure our next President will try hard to emulate Ross' example.

It will be incumbent upon each of us to throw our full support behind whomever Ross passes the Z-Key to now.

In saying that, I want to also say this. As a former officer I know there is a WHOLE LOT of work that goes on behind the scenes to keep this Club fun and fair for everyone. For me, it was literally a part-time job, sometime requiring up to 30 hours of my personal time each week. I know it represented far more than that for Ross, especially in the early days when he had so very few officers to help him. I remain amaZed at the incredible job he did, year after year, alone ~ and improving the Club every year almost singlehandedly. Non-paid jobs demand enthusiasm and intrinsic rewards to keep a person driving. Membership response is crucial to a volunteer officer's morale. Criticism or lack of participation can destroy the morale of even the best volunteers. It's each of our responsibilities to support each of our officers in his/her capacity. Be cautious what you say about their work and how you seek changes. Every volunteer has a limit to how much insult or criticism they can tolerate at no pay.

Not even the fastest man can run forever, and even the Long-Distance-Runner runs out of steam eventually. Personal life must come first, and if you have a family to raise and a job to report to and bills to pay, that often doesn't leave a lot of free time to devote to the generation and maintenance of a car club. Yet Ross not only did that, but somehow managed to create a NO DUES club which made a profit and provided fun and services for our growing membership. Find me a politician today who does that, and you'll restore my faith in our political system. Not a single individual ever made a dime off this Club ~ everything it earned was returned directly back to the members in the form of food, entertainment, education, trophies, plaques, goodies, and fun. We have Ross to thank for that, again and again.

Remembering the weight of being a CTZCC officer, I remain inspired (and a little bit awed) by how long Ross shouldered so very many responsibilities for us. Remember, this is a hobby. It doesn't put food on the table, or money in your pocket. It isn't a mandatory job. During the years I have been a CTZCC member, I have watched other nearby Z clubs stumble and fall, lose membership and struggle to remain afloat. Ross' great Club has steadily grown in membership, camaraderie and fun, while remaining a free club. Well done, Ross, and thank you.

There are another hundred things I could think of to say about Ross right now, but this will suffice. I want us to find a significant way to thank him jointly, sometime soon. And to Brenda Williams, who has tolerated us year after year and donated her husband's attention to let us have a little fun, I say a personal THANK YOU, Ma'am. Here's your warrior back ~ a little worn, a little tired, and a little quieter. We used him well, but I hope we didn't use him up. You sure have great taste in men, Brenda.

Thanks Ross. Well done, buddy. You placed an indelible thumbprint on each of our lives and your efforts will never, ever, be forgotten.

Frank T

1970 240Z

 Post subject: Post topic
PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 2:50 pm 

Joined: Mon Jun 30, 2008 2:16 pm
Posts: 1189
Location: Ansonia, CT
I think Frank captured all of our thoughts on this better than anyone.

Thank You Ross, for your devoted time and energy supprting this club. As others have said, this club is about people, the cars just bring us together.

Enjoy your family and when time permits, your Z cars also.

John Kish
1971 240Z - original owner

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 5:32 pm 

Joined: Sun Jun 01, 2008 2:13 pm
Posts: 193
this post needs to be moved to parts wanted. looking for someone to fill the shoes of our leader. need to work tiredlessly and always have a smile and a hand out to shake. always available at a moments notice for anything and everything! be able to make the best chili around and open your door to the club each and every year. must be able to put your family to work to make the day very enjoyable for the club. be able to fit atleast 75 cars in your yard and have a bathroom that does not overflow when flushed 150 times in 4 hours. and most of all, put the love and enthusiasm that it takes to run the best damn club ever put together. Ross, you're the best, thankyou for all you have done for the club and for me. how do we fill these shoes??????

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 7:01 pm 

Joined: Thu May 14, 2009 9:24 am
Posts: 1373
Location: Webster, NY
Bravo Ross, bravo. Tip 'o the hat to a job well done!

You should be proud of the growth of CTZCC under your watch. You leave the club a better place than when you arrived. That is the best legacy a man can have.

I indeed empathize with what it takes to make a social club grow and prosper. Make no mistake, a Z Car Club is a social club, it's REALLY about the people not the cars. Surrounding yourself with dedicated and talented volunteers is key and you did that. Kudos to the club officers as well. A leader motivates his followers to excell and the current state of the club certainly validates your efforts.

This is a wonderful club. The cars are great, the people are better.

Thanks Ross.


John Taddonio
1970 240Z
1977 530Z
1984 300ZXT
FB: Zccr zcarclubofrochester

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 8:16 pm 
Site Admin

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Posts: 779

Having been with you from almost the very beginning, I know firsthand how incredibly and relentlessly devoted you have been (and still are) to this club.

You've carried an immense load for such a long time, it's long overdue that you finally get to step back and enjoy, strictly as a member, the club that you invested so much in to build.

We'll miss having you involved behind the scenes, but look forward to "hanging" with you regularly at club events and on the forums.

- Jim

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 8:41 pm 

Joined: Tue May 20, 2008 8:03 am
Posts: 174

I'm not the most active member of the club, but every time we meet and say hello you always make me feel welcome. Thank you for this, and don't go away entirely!

280zx NA to T... http://z.modeltrainguide.com

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 11:21 pm 

Joined: Wed Apr 09, 2008 5:53 pm
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["..but every time we meet and say hello you always make me feel welcome"].

That's Ross. Whether he knew you for years or just met you today, he's always genuinely happy to zee you arrive, and your input is truly important and interesting to him. During every event and meeting, it always seemed natural to get out of your Z and 'go check in with Ross' when you arrive. It's like letting Dad know you're home. We're all his Z-kids.

Frank T

1970 240Z

Last edited by Frank T on Tue Nov 06, 2012 11:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Nov 06, 2012 11:23 pm 

Joined: Tue Jun 16, 2009 2:27 pm
Posts: 548
Location: South Meriden, CT
Ya did good, Ross Williams, ya did good!
It's almost time to put baby away and then look forward to a "new" season somewhere around March or April. I look forward to shaking your hand during your "new" season at the first meeting of 2013.

2007 350Z Grand Touring Roadster "OURZ"

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 9:17 am 

Joined: Mon Jul 21, 2008 9:27 pm
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Location: Pachaug, Ct
The end of a magnificent era...

(It occurs to me that no one iz currently occupying the position of 'Honorary Ex-Prezident for Life')

Thank you Ross

71 240zx

Last edited by alllan71 on Wed Nov 07, 2012 8:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 9:39 am 

Joined: Wed Apr 09, 2008 5:53 pm
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I think that would be "Honorary FOUNDER and ex-PreZident for life" ?

1970 240Z

 Post subject: Sad!
PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 4:27 pm 
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I'm also surprised and nonetheless unhappy that you're stepping down. You led this club with lots of expertise, charm, humor, diligence, briefly with class! You have cultivated a companionship of fantastic people driving fantastic cars, where hearts are beating in common mode. And I'm glad to be part of it. Thanks for that. I wish you all the best and I'm glad to ZeeYaaZoon again.
And now: start your engine afresh :)


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T. Link
1971 240z (HLS30-16506)
 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 11:17 pm 
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Thanks for Everything you've done for the CTZCC. Please thank Brenda and the kids for letting us have you for all those years.

You welcomed me as a new member back in 2007 and after the Fall Outing that year when I sold the first 20 CTZCC hats, and handed you the proceeds, you asked me to consider becoming an officer. Your passion for the club made it an easy decision for me. I have enjoyed helping you with the rest of the officers over the past few years. While all CTZCC members are our family and friends through our love of the Z car, there is the stronger bond and friendship among the officers as we are always in contact running the club day to day in our "spare" time. I will miss the regular contact with you and your leadership, but will be excited to see you enjoying the club when you have time to exercise one of your Z's.

Now it is our turn, with the help of future new Officers, to continue to run this great club as you have, so you can enjoy it as a member (Founding Member). I look forward to seeing you around and hearing about your time with your family.

Talk to you soon my friend.

Keith Hultmark
2009 370Z Touring - Sold (5 years owned)
1993 300ZX - Sold (5 years owned)
1976 Porsche 912E. #163 of 2200 - SOLD (3 years owned)
2018 BMW 330i GT xdrive daily driver
2004 BMW Z4 3.0i ….it is a Z

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