
1st NYZCC Gathering August 8th (Saturday)
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Author:  EVILZ [ Mon Jul 27, 2009 9:02 am ]
Post subject:  1st NYZCC Gathering August 8th (Saturday)

Well here it is, our first club gathering!

Hempstead Lake State Park
West Hempstead, NY 11552
August 8, 2009
10:00:AM - until you feel like going home
There is a $6 charge to get into the park.

Hempstead Lake State Park is a multi use facility. Included are 20 tennis courts, children's playgrounds, basketball courts, bridle trails for horse back riding, biking and hiking...so this is a family approved Z gathering.

Just to be a little more specific as to what NYCZZ will provide:

Charcoal, lighter fluid, plates, napkins and condiments.

What someone should bring:
Their own meat/ veggies/ drinks / beans etc...

There is nothing worst than a 50 bags of chips BBQ!!! :lol:

Please use this link below to get directions from your departing address:


If you zoom in - That yellow line is Southern State Parkway and the exit is 18 , once you get off the exit you make a right and it will put you right into the park area.

You are asked to bring yourself (family is ok), Z (if your Z can't make it come anyway) and food/drinks to be shared by everyone. There are grills in the park, so we shall be making our own food.......hot dogs, hamburgers and anything else we can grill. This should be a great time and I am hoping be can get can about 30 - 40 cars to show up. Come and hang out and meet new Z people and have a great time chatting about cars or playing basketball, tennis, throwing a football around or watching your kids play.

If you have any questions, feel free to email or pm me. If there are any changes before the event, this thread will be updated.

Zya soon.

The rain date for this event will be August 9th same time.

Author:  Keith.H [ Mon Jul 27, 2009 9:47 am ]
Post subject: 


Thanks for the Invite. I've stickied the post for you.

Author:  EVILZ [ Mon Jul 27, 2009 10:41 am ]
Post subject: 

Keith.H wrote:

Thanks for the Invite. I've stickied the post for you.

Thanks Keith, hope to see 15 ctzcc members there!

Author:  jim260z [ Mon Jul 27, 2009 11:50 am ]
Post subject: 

Hopefully Frank will grace us with the presences of his awesome car.

It will be a nice ride and it is about 25min from the Throgsneck Bridge. I went and scouted out the place. We will be in the largest parking lot ( if I get there early enough). There will be more than enough room for us and our Z's . I will make sure there is plenty of shade for us in the dog days of the summer afternoon.

Clive sent the info which will tell you a lot about the park and it's facilities.

It will be the clubs first event and hopefully have a decent turn out.

see u at the next CTZCC event,


Author:  EVILZ [ Tue Jul 28, 2009 11:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

We have a list started on nyzcc.com:

http://nyzcc.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f= ... p=658#p658

1. Clive (EVILC)
2. Jim (jim260z) maybe 2 cars ;)
3. Amiel (Forced1)
4. mikevar82 (from 300zxclub.com)
5. Joe (RAGS)
6. OgZWee

We will try to update it daily as more people confirm they are attending. Thank you in advance to all the ctzzc members who will make the trip out and help support our first event!

FrankT, I should be seeing you there and the car!!

Author:  Frank T [ Wed Jul 29, 2009 10:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hi guyz ~
I'm writing this from Kingsport TN (Where Obama landed 1/4 mile from my hotel this afternoon), and I don't know if I'll be back in time for this event or not.l Sounds like something I'd really enjoy attending, tho!

I'll know more about my travel intentions as time rolls on, will try to keep in touch.

Miss everyone and I've only seen ONE Z car (a blue 350) in the past 900 miles.

Z ya!

Author:  alllan71 [ Thu Jul 30, 2009 9:36 pm ]
Post subject:  our ny bros


Gotta know...did you drive the Z to Tn?
This could happen...it'd be good to see Clive & Co making it...


Author:  Frank T [ Thu Jul 30, 2009 10:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

Clive & Company are destined to make it. He's a 'doer' and he has a priceless product in a well-populated field of opportunity. My guess is he'll need TWO membership directors by this time next year.

No, I didn't drive the Z this trip. I still have wsw and defroster issues with it and it's a good thing I didn't attempt it ~ I drove over the Appalachian Mountains in the very worst downpour I've seen since the Vietnam Monsoons. Even trucks were pulling over.

I rented a Mustang :roll:
I've driven it almost 2,000 miles in the past 4 days and I'm sure I'll never buy a new one now. I liked the old ones, but this is just not my car at all.

Written from my Eastern North Carolina motel room. Eastern TN to Eastern NC in less than 7 hs, thru tropical downpours again today.

Did I take this trip to relax??? :roll:


Author:  EVILZ [ Thu Jul 30, 2009 11:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Frank!

I hope you enjoy the road trip and really wished you were back up this way to make the event. Al are you going to be there? This looks like it is going to be a great time for people to meet each other. Thank you in advance for letting us as a club post all over your site :D

Author:  Paul [ Fri Jul 31, 2009 6:30 am ]
Post subject: 

Well, I'll be camping at this time, but let me know how it goes, and post some pics. :D

Author:  EVILZ [ Sat Aug 01, 2009 10:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

We are a week away guyz, any CT Zs coming for the meet?

Author:  Keith.H [ Wed Aug 05, 2009 2:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'll be working on Saturday (Marina business). I hope some of my fellow CTZCC'ers will make the ride to your meet.

Author:  EVILZ [ Sun Aug 09, 2009 1:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks to Jimmy for picking out a great spot! We learned a few things for the next one we have there and the next one will be even better. Also would like to thank Jimmy's wife for BBQ'n for us while we spoke cars. Also would like to thank everyone who bought club decals and playing cards, the funds go back into your club.

So we had 17 -*19 Zs show up for the day. * (2 350Zs showed up and didn't come inside the parking lot) No CTZCC members :shock: There were plenty of food and snacks to go around. It was good to see everyone sharing there Z stories with one another. I also met a lot of new people and saw a bunch of Zs I have not seen yet.

The weather was great and really couldn't ask for anything better. Plenty of space for the cars and right across the lot was plenty of space for the kids to play. Next time we will plan to make this an all day event. We even had someone show up from the Craigslist Ad that was put up last week. Slowly we as a club are growing......I believe Craig with a Z32 came the farthest all the way from Central NJ! :D

Will we have another one there? Yes we will very soon and the date will be posted soon.

Also some pics that Alex P took: http://picasaweb.google.com/tiale11/8809FirstNYZCCMeet#

Author:  Frank T [ Sun Aug 09, 2009 3:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

Actually Clive, 17 cars is a GREAT start for your very first meet. This Club began with very humble turn-outs (only about a doZen carz) and once the word got around, our membership and participation simply exploded. We're up to 300 members now, with over 450 carz in less than two full yearz. You're doing really well to draw that many Zs to your first event. Be patient ~ very soon you will have so many members you'll have trouble keeping track of them.

Really good pictures, too! I especially liked the silver, red and black 240s. Really professional blending of some very aggressive rear spoilers on a couple of them.

It's wiZe of you to include the families, and to provide something for the kiddies to do. Very few of us married guyz get away with owning these carz without including the family :lol:. For some reaZon, as long as the car providez an excuse for Momma to get out of the house and meet other Z wivez, they tend to support our 'habit'. As soon as Dad startz taking the car out alone, Mom finds other things which could be done for the price of a Z :roll:

(I wonder if we should create a "Z Wife" T-shirt?)

I don't have a single word of criticizm for the CTZCC membership; they're some of the best folks I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. But I HAVE noticed they don't seem to be much for out-of-state events, for some reaZon. It's not that we're snobs or anything ~ everyone in the Club likes to meet other Z club memberz. But for some reaZon, our track record for going out of state to other functions is not as active as some other clubs' records. Maybe we're laZy? You sure shouldn't take it as a snub. Everyone here is watching the NYZCC with interest, and wishing you the best. It makes me feel warm and toasty to know you guys are right next door, with similar interests (and problems :lol:) to our own. Wait until you organiZe your first Z car show ~ I'll bet you get swamped by CTZCC members!

I have fewer than 500 miles on my own car since the rebuild. I am trusting it in ever-widening circles, along known routes, with "support stations" nearby. I don't trust it for a trip into NY yet, or I would have been there. CART-CT held an AutoX ystrdy which I wanted to attend too, but didn't want to trust the car that far, beat it up, then hope it made it back home.

Be patient, my friend. You have established a lifetime endeavor and we have LOTS of people who will be bouncing back and forth btwn our clubs. This is a brotherhood ~ it will never wash away until the last two Z cars are taken off the road and put into museums.

Keep up the great work, Clive. And to our brothers over the boarder in the NYZCC, we expect to have LOTS of interaction with you guyz and galz in future events!

Z ya!
Frank T

Author:  EVILZ [ Sun Aug 09, 2009 8:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

Thanks Frank for the reply. I don't think members of the CTZCC group are snobs @ all. For those here who didn't come out and others I know, I figured it was to short of a notice (2 weeks). The next one we have will be at least 6 weeks out and will be better than the first one. I know you and others will be at the next one if you can make it :wink:

We are closing in on 100 users on the site and less than 300 short for 1000 post on the site! Soon we will have a nice surprise for our members and others who visit the site.

Love the t-shirt idea....I think we may need to do that.....also GF t-shirts :D

I can't wait for your car show, hope the Z is together for it.

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