
3rd NYZCC Gathering October 10th - FDR State Park
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Author:  Kathy & Rick [ Fri Oct 09, 2009 7:51 pm ]
Post subject: 

See yeZ (I knew I could find something to like about the NY dialect)
tomorrow at around 10:15 @ Exit 32, I-95S.

Kathy & Rick

Author:  Frank T [ Fri Oct 09, 2009 10:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

CHAD! What's the deal? Can you make it with us? We want to wait for you if you can come.

Exit #32-S off I-95. Turn left and go about 200yrds. There's some kind of metal processing place at that intersection with a big parkinglot. I think it's called Plains Road.


Author:  alllan71 [ Fri Oct 09, 2009 10:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

Z ya 10:15izh

Author:  Frank T [ Sat Oct 10, 2009 9:15 pm ]
Post subject: 

WELL, I finally got off my dead behind and made the trip into NY to attend one of Clive Bogle's Z events, and I'm glad I did. It was well worth the 180 mile round trip and I really had a good time.

I'm happy to report that Clive is making tremendous advancements in all directions. His newly-founded New York Z Car Club is amaZingly healthy for one so young ~ they have over 100 members already and everyone seems active in his events. There is a good age and gender spread within the club and their cars are FAN-TASTIC. They lined them all up today by Series, which was pretty impressive. Clive skinned his knuckles all night last night, making his new 1971 EVIL Z ready for today's picnic, and it looks and sounds GREAT. When he started it, everybody stopped what they were doing and looked around for the earthquake.:shock:

We had about a dozen CT Z Car Club members there (some are cross-members with the NYZCC) and it was like a mini-reunion for all of us. Rick and Kathy trailered Lucky #13 to the event so the New Yaawk crowd could zee it. They poured over it and photographed it and some got their pictures taken sitting at the wheel of the very first production 240Z to leave the factory for sale in America. That should give them some good bar stories when they grow old and grey! :wink:

The Park Police cruised thru the lot, circling the cars slowly, then gave us a big thumbs-up as they left. Other park visitors stopped their cars on the roadway to take pictures of the more than 20 Zs we had lined up along the edge of the lot.

People came and went all day, so I don't have a good count of how many were there all together, but we never had fewer than 30 at any one time. The weather held out for us and we even saw some nice warm sunshine by the time we took the group photos. By example, the group shot of everyone gathered around #13 shows the LAST FOLKS TO LEAVE ~ it's almost a good thing the others had already left, because if we had put the entire crowd up on the trailer, you couldn't have seen the car! (And yes, that's Clive sitting at the wheel of a car which is technically older than he is!)

I want to thank Tom Sullivan for escorting us back thru the maZe of New Yaawk backroads to find the highway when we left. Had it not been for his patient assistance, we might still be trying to find our way out of town at this hour. (And Tom, those pipes sound GREAT!!!)

On the way home the NYS Police were typically busy on a late Saturday afternoon ~ I cried a tear for the new silver Ferrari Spyder they had pulled over at one point.

THANK YOU, NYZCC, for the fun and food and great conversation! Hope to zee you guys next weekend for the final Outing of our Club's 2009 zeason!

Frank T

File comment: Ready, Set ........
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File comment: Rick and Kathy made the trip into NY so our NYZCC brothers and sisters could zee Lucky 13.
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File comment: Coming soon to a neighborhood near you ~ and you'll hear it coming before it gets there!
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File comment: It was worth the drive from Long Island to be immortaliZed this way!
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File comment: You meet the nicest people on a Z!
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File comment: "...there's a long line of carrrzzzz..."
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Author:  Frank T [ Sat Oct 10, 2009 9:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

A few others I stumbled across......

File comment: Business office!
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File comment: With a few more of these in the state, NY wouldn't need Niagara Falls.
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File comment: Very neat insert....
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File comment: Joe Cool.......
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Author:  EVILZ [ Sun Oct 11, 2009 12:18 am ]
Post subject:  GREAT DAY!

What a great day today! Seriously, it was great to see a nice turn out, 20 Z cars and 3 show up without theirs! This is very important for you guys to know, only 6 of the 20 cars there today had made it to one of our first two bbqs. If we can get both groups (nyc/li & westchester/upstate ny) together at the same time....easily 40 cars. This number can be reached without one single 350z or 370z......amazing. I am looking forward to have those two models being active in the club next year.

I have to start of by thanking Tom for taking care of this BBQ. He did all the leg work and like stated before paid for permits and such out of pocket...so again thank you for helping get this club off the ground.....sorry for being late....man of the day:


Second I would like to thank the CTZCC members who made the trip to NY for the day. Finally have Frank come out of his state for a Z event is great! Also big big big thank you to Rick & Kathy for bringing #13 for us to see and speak about. Thank you for taking the time out to speak to everyone and give us the history lesson on the car and Zs! Anyone into dogs...speak to Rick......just another hobby of his!

Rick & Kathy & 13:


Lastly I would like to thank all of you for coming out and making this club worth putting in the time for. Met some new people and great looking cars. Again new friendships are being made and families are getting to know one another. The rain held off for us after 10am and the sun kept us warm when we were not in the shade. Everyone ate well I hope and we almost used up all the food this time! The burgers were great! Again thank you for making this a great 3rd bbq and as club prez I would like to say sorry for showing up late...even though you guyz had fun without me ;) This is your club and I hope everyone is happy with the direction it is going....next year will be even bigger!

Everyone having some food
2 1/2 hr trip from PA......car sounds sweeeeet!
Very clean 280zx
Not a Z but 9k mile Toyota owned by Tom's wife(Donna):
Calling all Z cars:

Shameless plug....I made it! :D


Zya you all next week for the CTZCC event and please watch the site over the next few weeks......lots of new info coming your way.

Thank you all again.

Frank, Rick & Kathy........please join us on NYZCC.org and just do an intro for us here: http://nyzcc.org/forum/viewforum.php?f=4


Author:  Bobby_Lee [ Sun Oct 11, 2009 10:07 am ]
Post subject:  What a great time and some thanks!!

Let me start out by saying yesterday was just great. Met a lot of nice new folks from the CTZCC. :mrgreen: Turned out to be a beautiful day. Oh yeah, I'm Bobby the guy with the green 260Z.
A special thanks to Tommy for all his efforts in setting up and getting the permits.
Thanks to Clive
Thanks to Rick and Kathy for bringing "13"
And thanks to all who came out from the CTZCC and NYZCC!

Hope to see you next week!

Author:  tom.wasney [ Sun Oct 11, 2009 8:53 pm ]
Post subject: 

Great job on the BBQ NYZCC guys, thanks so much, when I showed up there were 8 cars present, called my buddy Mike E. and told him to get the heck down here.. He showed up and by the time all was said and done, like Clive said, 20 great Z cars showed up and a lot of nice folks.. This has been the best Summer seaZon in years with all the Z get togethers I've attended and it just keeps getting better.. Thanks all... Here are a few more pics to enjoy, oh yeah, I went to Wings and wheels today, check for pics in that posting.....

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Author:  tom.wasney [ Sun Oct 11, 2009 9:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

More....... can't get enough.......

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File comment: Left group, #13 bringing up the rear..
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File comment: Right group....
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File comment: That new Evil EvilZZZZZZZ.....
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File comment: #13 and friends...
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Author:  Kathy & Rick [ Mon Oct 12, 2009 1:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Thanks, Everybody!!!!!

That NYZCC is top shelf and getting better all the time. They talk about
Southern hospitality, these guys and gals could teach the Rebs a thing
or three!!!!

My biggest disappointment was in not getting to talk with everyone per-
sonally, followed closely by some of the folks having to leave with what
looked like some serious Z's before I had a chance to check them out
and drool on them a little (the cars, not the folks, gimme a break)!!

Anybody who's into sound (not talking about audiophiles here) would
have gone coo coo, Frank began to address that w/Clive's earthshaker
and it certainly didn't stop there. I don't think anybody pegged the DB
meter, but it sure got a workout!!! I probably went the most coo coo of
anybody..... I forgot the name of the couple w/the Z-in-progress, it was
a blue shade w/white and gray parts that hadn't been finished yet, but
if that car ends up looking as good as it sounds, it'll be a trophy taker!!
And talk about some Z's of all models that were so gorgeous they could
literally blind you!!! Serious, I thought I had died and gone to Z heaven.

Frank, I also noticed that silver Ferrari pulled over by one of NY's finest.
At first I felt sorry for the guy, but then I remembered about 38 or 39
years ago when you would see one Z on the highway every 8 or 10 days.
I can't tell you the number of times I got pulled over completely baffled
about what I might have done wrong, only to have the cop start a conver-
sation about the car, saying he had only seen a few and asking how I
liked the car and other related questions. Hope that was the case..........

Thanks again for everything, and all Z best!! Let's do it again!!

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